WooCommerce offers a high level of flexibility and customization options. It provides a wide range of themes and extensions, allowing users to create unique and personalized online stores tailored to their specific needs. From design customization to functionality enhancements, WooCommerce provides extensive options for customization.

WooCommerce is built to handle stores of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. It provides scalability options, allowing the store to grow alongside the business. Additionally, WooCommerce has a reputation for delivering good performance, ensuring fast loading times and smooth shopping experiences for customers.

Project Image for Woolocation
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Woolocation is a plugin for Woocommerce that allows users to drop a marker on their shipping address, this is particularly useful in places where Google Maps have poor mapping of the streets names.

April 2020 . Argentina


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About me

I am Gonzalo, responsible for what you see here. Born in Argentina some moons ago. I love coding, traveling, mountains and animals (humans generally included).

Yes, I am the one on the left. No, no bears were harmed in the making of this website.

About photo
Lonely Pixels @ 2024